Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Everyone did a great job today! Im sorry that I was a little under the weather but I still enjoyed watching everyone do their scenes! Good Luck on the rest of finals Everyone...Im really gonna miss this class! Fabio- You were awesome and I wish we all could take this class again! Have a great break guys :)
Today was awesome! seeing all the scenes come together was really sweet. Also, seeing how far everyone has come since the beginning of the semester was unbelievable! I'm gonna miss this class so much!

Final and last whiz bang

I felt we all did an amazing job today on the final. I just hope my writing portion of the final is as good as my scene was...hahahahaha. It was great but sad to get to do one last whiz bang with all of you, but it is a time I have enjoyed none the less. Good luck everyone on the rest of your exams and have a great holiday break.
It is really hard to remeber to blog and i hate it! haha. Working on the plays was fun and I am really glad that we were able to work on them in class to have Fabio help us out. It was such a big help! It should be intersting to see everyone's today and present ours!