Wednesday, September 12, 2007


I found the exercises on tuesday relatively difficult. i've finally got the hang of blocking out the whole acting thing and actually trying to feel what i'm supposed to be doing, but it's still kind of hard for me. i found that during the tug-o-war exercise i was thinking, "win win win" the whole time, because naturally if it were real, that's what i'd be thinking. however that mind frame didn't work, because my partner clearly wasn't thinking "lose lose lose." so i definitely need to pay attention to what the other person is doing to during these activities....

1 comment:

Blaine said...

I thought the excercises were difficult as well. The tug of war was pretty hard. I didn't know how to make it look like i was pulling a rope with tension, without leaning like you usually would. And shoveling without a shovel isn't all that easy either!